Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Stay in the Loop

The film industry is always on the go. In a world where there are so many projects going on at once, film aficionados need one place where they can get all their information. MTV has always been a top name in keeping up with the latest in popular culture, and since they branched away from just following all things music and now have their hands in multiple forms of media and entertainment, it should come as no surprise that they have one of the most comprehensive film blogs out there. They’re a big player in the world of entertainment, which means they have access to information, photographs, and interviews you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere on the internet.

They don’t just focus on one genre either, or only talking about weekend box office reviews. They have information from every stage of a film’s life that you could imagine. There are pre-production stills, rumor mills, and interviews with actors and directors about the upcoming projects they have going on. They provide up to date information about the production process and how films are doing, if filming got delayed, just exactly why and how things were resolved, and all the latest pictures to peak your interest. When projects are finally ready to be unleashed upon awaiting audiences you better believe they’ll have the first teasers and trailers, and all the information and pictures from the premiere. They also track box office and DVD sales, completing the entire lifespan of a film.

There’s also award show information and news about cinematic celebrities not relating to any particular project they’re working on at the time, such as events they’ve attended and videos of interviews they have done. And the site is packed full of hyperlinks in each article, which can take you to other amazing sites where you can find out more about film and the article you’re reading about.

It’s hard to keep up with the amount of films being churned out in Hollywood every day, so with MTV’s Movies Blog you are able to stay up to date on your favorite actors, read all the new information about the next big project you can’t wait to see, and get insider information that will impress even your most film-savvy friends.