Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Business Experts

Spotlight On: Akira Hirai.

Hirai is the founder, CEO, and managing director of the business consulting company Cayenne Consulting – “business plan consultants with venture capital experience” – where he is currently working. He has had experience in the business industry for over 20 years now, after earning his BA in Engineering Sciences from Harvard University, and working in such places as New York City, Phoenix, and now Orange County, California.

Hirai started Cayenne back in early 2001 with what he says was a very simple mission, aimed toward venture capitalists, “Help entrepreneurs get their act together before they talk to investors.” The world of business can be both time consuming and confusing, therefore, Cayenne was started as an objective third party with a laundry list of services they provide such as strategy development, market research and analysis, competitor research and analysis, business plan preparation, and financial analysis and forecasting. This frees up the client’s time to focus on the rest of the areas that are going to matter most to investors. Cayenne acts as a partner taking on the tedious tasks for the client so they are left to help build a stronger market for themselves that will help investors notice them.

Before Cayenne, Hirai was already well versed in the world of business and had held several prestigious jobs – and founded two more companies. In the Silicon Valley area he kick started MyRaptor.com and ID Networks before he started focusing on the world of venture capital. Before this he had worked his way up through the ranks over four years to become Vice President of the prestigious Salomon Brothers in New York. He has also held several other job titles that include financial risk management consultant, software engineer, and advertising sales manager. He is a man who has had his hand in the world of business for many years now, and someone to be trusted with advice in creating new companies.

Resources for Akira Hirai:

Spotlight On: Carolyn Kepcher.

Kepcher is most highly recognized as appearing on the NBC television show The Apprentice, not as a contestant, but as Donald Trump’s right hand woman and assistant who helped make all the final decisions about who was to be fired. She held this position because of her almost ten years of experience acting as the Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, and General Manager for the Trump National Golf Club.

Kepcher started out her business career selling Avon products door-to-door and working as a restaurant manager in Manhattan while she earned her marketing degree from Mercy College. Eventually she found herself in the position of a sales and marketing director for a New York City golf club, which was eventually to be auctioned off. The man who bought the property was none other than Donald Trump. Impressed with her ideas about how he could best use his newly acquired golf course, he hired Kepcher in 1994 as the director of his sales and marketing. After four years in this position, when the current general manager was fired from Trump’s organization, Kepcher landed her the job that would eventually take her to overseeing the National Golf Club.

In 2006 her time working with Trump came to an end as she too was fired, based on Trump’s ideas that her “newfound celebrity status had kept her too busy with speaking engagements and endorsements to focus on her responsibilities for the Trump organization” which he reported to The New York Post. Not letting this stop her at all, she thoroughly developed the idea for her company Carolyn & Co. where she became the CEO. In 2008 she turned to MasterPlans in order to be able to help launch the company’s first campaign with WorkHerWay, which was described as the “ultimate online resource for the working woman” and provided a broad array of services to be able to cater to business minded women who many not always get the best care at other companies. However this campaign has since run its course and the website is no longer available for information.

In addition to founding her company, Kepcher has a wide array of skills and jobs behind her. In 2004 she wrote the business book Carolyn 101 which made it all the way to number two on the New York Best Seller List. She even had plans with Microsoft where they would be able to make an Apprentice-like television show focused on small-business ventures where she acted as one of the three judges. However the show never proved to get off the ground.

She wrote extensive business career columns for the New York Daily News, was a contributor for FOX Business, and has been used as a consultant on various programs such as The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Today Show. Currently she serves on the board of the Back Nine Network and uses her savvy business knowledge as a consultant for the golf industry where she is still highly regarded as an expert.

Resources on Carolyn Kepcher:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Spotlight On: Shama Kabani and The Marketing Zen Group

What do you do when you are on the cusp of emerging technology? Not many have caught onto it yet, but you know it’s going to be big. Well if you’re like Shama Kabani, then you build a company and turn this new form of exciting technology into a million dollar business. That’s exactly what she did between 2008 and 2009 when she became the Founder and CEO of The Marketing Zen Group.

While earning her Masters at the University of Texas, she wrote her thesis paper on the impacts of social media, focusing mostly on Twitter. Today this seems like a standard paper topic for any student studying communications, but Shama took a chance on this site in the days when it was new. This was a big gamble when it came to her career because the demand for social media had simply not evolved yet. She often says, “I remember writing my thesis for graduate school on Twitter when the social network had only a few thousand users. I knew then that it would be a powerful force in the new media world. When I speak, I joke with the audience that it was my favorite thing long before it was Oprah’s or Ashton Kutcher’s.”

The hot demand for social media and experts who know how to most greatly utilize these tools to enhance your business seem commonplace in today’s workforce, yet it was Shama and The Marketing Zen Group who helped pave the way. They officially became a million dollar business in 2011, and Shama herself has had several prestigious awards bestowed on her in the business industry. In addition to being featured in magazines such as Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Entrepreneur, her honors include:

·      Being featured as one of Yahoo! Finance’s “Seven Self-Made Immigrant Millionaires”  (2012)
·      Being one of Business Week’s “Top 25 Under 25 Entrepreneurs in North America” (2011)
·      Winning the Technology Titan Emerging Company CEO award (2009)
·      Being dubbed “The Zen Master of Marketing” by Entrepreneur magazine (2011) and often being referred to as “Master Millennial of the Universe” and an “online marketing shaman” by FastCompany.com
·      Accomplished author with her book The Zen of Social Media Marketing, which is due to be in its 3rd edition January of 2013

So what exactly is it that The Marketing Zen Group does? They are a full service firm that helps provide online marketing and digital PR so that businesses may be better able to utilize the Internet. This means a site that’s more easy to search for, social media pages to help fans and customers stay informed about that’s happening with your business, and much more. Some of the services they have listed that they perform are: social media marketing, search engine optimization, website design and conversion, content marketing, blog design and development, as well as providing training, consultation, and seminars. You also have the option of using them to handle your entire online presence, or they can lend their services for just one area you have difficulty in.

Just because it was a blossoming industry with no real foothold in the business world at the time, Shama did not let that stop her from developing her company. Now social media and digital marketing are some of the cornerstones of a good PR campaign, and it’s only been a few short years. Some of the advice that she gave Yahoo! Finance was, "If you have an idea, put it out there and then figure out how to improve it. Look beyond the bottom line and toward the bigger impact." This is sound advice for any budding business mogul, or anyone looking to make a name for themselves in this ever-changing industry.

To find more information about Shama you can visit her website http://www.shama.tv/ where, like any savvy social media user, she has ample and immediately recognizable links to her YouTube page, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn so that you can always stay connected to her. To learn more about The Marketing Zen group, or become one of their clients, please check out http://www.marketingzen.com/