Sunday, August 19, 2012

E-mail Me, Maybe?

Most of the time it seems like such a hassle having to sign up with your e-mail address for ads and coupons to almost everywhere you go. I know I usually always decline this. However, today after receiving an e-mail from Urban Outfitters (one of the very few places that I do receive notifications from) I realized how important it is for businesses and to move product. It was an e-mail about some new make-up products and collections that they received in, a category which otherwise I wouldn’t find myself browsing on the site because it’s not something I regularly buy. But it caught my interest and I soon found myself picking out a few things I liked, and more importantly, I was checking out what else they had just received on other parts of the online store, and seeing what had recently gone on sale. From there, I decided to see what was going on with other online shopping sites that I buy from regularly.

It dawned on me how vital that e-mail had been; how vital all e-mail updates from a company can be. I would have never been bookmarking things I wanted to buy today had it not been for that e-mail. I would have never known the UO Sparkle Collection Nail Polish that I told myself I just had to have ever existed.

It occurred to me that this happens frequently with Amazon and their products as well. I buy most things off of the mega-shopping site and always get e-mails about products that I may be interested in based off my previous purchases. Sometimes I don’t look, but sometimes I do. And from there I see other related products that may interest me, I may remember something I’ve been wanting to look for on the site, or it will send me into a mini shopping spree were I check all the sites I shop on and pick out things I’ll be ordering either immediately or in the weeks to come.

This is a fantastic way for businesses to immediately let their faithful customers know the new products that they have available for them, and a method which seems to obvious to me that I somehow managed to overlook its significance. It always seemed like a bother, it would be one more e-mail that I would have to delete. However now I can see that it’s a fantastic way to keep updated on new product, new sales, and even receive some exclusive coupons.

During the month of July a site that I use a lot – Always Fits – was having a “Christmas in July” sale where by entering a specific code you got an additional 25% off your purchase. I would have never known about this had it not been for the e-mail update I received from them, which naturally lead me to make some purchases on the site because I didn’t want to let the deal pass me by.

Now in the future I will definitely be accepting more of those e-mail offers and I’ll also be signing up on sites I already use a lot to see all of the exclusive deals that I have been missing. If you were like me before and only bothered for a few select sites, I suggest seeing where you frequently buy, and then take advantage of their mailing list!

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